CNN fired morning show host Don Lemon because of Lemon’s spirited fact-check of a fringe Republican presidential candidate making the bizarre case that Blacks owe their freedom to the NRA.
This is according to The New York Times, which reported on Monday that the interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, whose name you will not recognize, despite him supposedly being a presidential candidate, “left several CNN leaders exasperated.”
Ramaswamy, an Indian-American entrepreneur, and author of a book that he titled Woke, Inc., somehow earned an invite to “CNN This Morning” last week, and during the interview with Lemon and co-host Poppy Harlow, the subject of his recent speech at the NRA convention came up.
In the speech, Ramaswamy connected the Civil War to gun rights, and accused the Democratic Party of wanting to put Black people “back in chains.”
Lemon pushed back, earning himself some Blacksplainin’ from Ramaswamy, who has achieved whatever minor amount of celebrity he has in far-right circles for writing books about wokeness and railing against critical race theory, for his trouble.
“Black people secured their freedoms after the Civil War, it is a historical fact, Don, just study it, only after their Second Amendment rights were secured,” Ramaswamy tried to claim, either trying to gaslight, or showing that he totally missed the Jim Crow part of his U.S. History 101 class in college.
“A whole host of things that happened after the Civil War when it comes to African-Americans, including the whole reason that the civil rights movement happened is because Black people did not secure their freedoms after the Civil War and that things turned around. People tried to change the freedoms that we were supposed to have after the Civil War,” Lemon countered.
“You know how they got it? They got their Second Amendment rights, and they actually got, the NRA played a big role in that,” Ramaswamy said, with a straight face.
After Lemon called out the “lie,” Ramaswamy tripled down on the Blacksplainin’.
“The part that I find insulting is when you say today Black Americans don’t have those rights after we have gone through that civil rights revolution,” Ramaswamy said.
It’s apparent here that Ramaswamy may actually not be lying, but worse, he seems to just be just that hideously unaware of basic American history.
Funny how people like that could benefit from some exposure to critical race theory, or at the least, a decent high school history textbook.
“You are sitting here telling an African American about the rights and what you find insulting about the way I live, the skin I live in every day,” Lemon told Ramaswamy.
All of this transpired, incidentally, as Harlow, a White woman, sat silently, and could be seen glancing at her smartphone.
CNN, continuing its transition to becoming Fox News Lite under new chairman Chris Licht, fired Lemon for pushing back against a guy who thinks wokeness is the problem, and that guns are the solution.
This isn’t going to end well for CNN.