According to the county, the company plans to construct a 74,000 square foot store with 120 fueling positions and 24 EV charging stations.
The projected opening is in 2025.
The company has requested a Special Use Permit for the review and approval of a proposed sign plan for the project. The Special Use Permit application may be viewed in Rockingham County’s Department of Community Development, at 20 East Gay St,, in Harrisonburg, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Texas-based Buc-ee’s announced its plans in March to begin its expansion into Virginia.
A similar sized location is planned in New Kent County off Interstate 64, at exit 211. The projected opening is 2027 for this location.
Buc-ee’s Travel Centers feature a wide range of freshly prepared foods including home-crafted barbeque, custom made sandwiches, fresh salads and fruits, baked goods, and sweets as well as a unique collection of gifts, housewares, and clothing.
Buc-ee’s is not a truck stop; 18 wheelers are not allowed on the property.