Home Brady PAC launches ads in Virginia battleground districts

Brady PAC launches ads in Virginia battleground districts


congressThe Brady PAC today announced the launch of radio and digital ads focused on driving minority turnout in two Virginia battleground districts as part of a national campaign to support gun safety champions in contests against NRA-backed incumbents in this year’s midterm elections.

“Virginians want — and deserve — leaders who will work for sensible gun safety reforms,” said Kris Brown, Brady Campaign co-president. “Abigail Spanberger and Elaine Luria are the leaders Virginia deserves — champions for gun safety who will lead the fight for popular reforms. Dave Brat and Scott Taylor have chosen to stand with the NRA and gun manufacturers, not Virginia voters.”

Both Virginia districts have significant populations of voters of color, and polls consistently show that these voters overwhelmingly support commonsense gun safety laws. Ads will run primarily across media that serves communities of color, especially African-Americans, who make up more than 22% of the voting population in each district. The campaign highlights each endorsed candidate’s record of leadership on gun safety and show how the incumbents have chosen the NRA and the gun industry over voters in their district and state. The ads will run through November 6.

The Brady PAC is focused on working with and supporting candidates who support Brady’s three-point plan, including expanding background checks, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and passing extreme risk laws–all of which enjoy strong majority support.

“Candidates who engage and lead on gun safety succeed because voters overwhelmingly support commonsense solutions to make our neighborhoods safer,” said Brown. “Voters of color can play a deciding role in these races. We want to make sure voters know who will work to make all Virginians safer, and who is working on behalf of the NRA and the gun manufacturers.”

Nationwide, Brady PAC has endorsed 70 candidates for federal office across 19 states.



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