Blue Ridge Community College calendar items for October. Events are open to the public and free unless otherwise indicated.
Brown Bag Travel Lecture: Tanzania
Friday, Oct 18; 11:30 am-12:30 pm; G182
Donna Ladd presents “Into the Wild: A Safari Adventure in Tanzania.” Sponsored by Cultural Affairs. Free and open to the public.
Contact: Emma Phillips; [email protected]; 453-2388
Hunger Symposium Event: Presentation
Monday, Oct 21; 9:30-10:30 am; G186
“Build a Better Meal” workshop provides tips and information to create healthy meals by prepping ahead. Sponsored by the SGA.
Contact: Mary Kier Smith; [email protected]; 453-2350
Hunger Symposium Event: Taco Salad Bar Fundraiser & Magic Show
Monday, Oct 21; 12-2 pm; Houff Cafeteria
Suggested donation $5; students with BRCC ID, $4; cash or check only; sponsored by the SGA. Proceeds benefit the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Vegetarian options! Magic by Wes Iseli begins at 12:30 pm.
Contact: Mary Kier Smith; [email protected]; 453-2350
Fine Arts Center Exhibit: Julia Merkel
Tuesday, Oct 22, 3 pm, Theater V135 (Artist lecture); 4 pm (reception in Gallery V121)
“Absence/Presence: Drawing from Grief” exhibit runs Oct 18-Dec 4. Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9 am-4:30 pm.
Contact: Jennifer Whitmore; [email protected]; 453-2380
Hunger Symposium Event: Empty Bowl Dinner
Thursday, Oct 24; 6 pm; P126
Empty Bowl Dinner raises funds and awareness for the BRAFB. $15 minimum donation includes choice of soups & beverages; attendees receive a beautiful ceramic bowl. Tickets available in office A105, online at, or at the door.
Contact: Rebecca Evans; [email protected]; 453-2366
FAC Performance: The Richard Adams Variety Show
Friday, Oct 25, 7 pm; FAC V135
All proceeds benefit the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Adults-$15; students free. Reserve tickets online:
Contact: Sandi Belcher; [email protected]; 453-2216