U.S. Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), David Schweikert (R-AZ), and Anthony Brown (D-MD) introduced the Securing Energy for our Armed Forces Using Engineering Leadership (SEA FUEL) Act, which would direct the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to invest in carbon capture technology.
“We have an opportunity to address both carbon emissions and military readiness with the SEA FUEL Act,” said Congressman Don Beyer. “We know that we need to address increased concentration of carbon in our air and in our water, and the SEA FUEL Act presents an opportunity to foster the emerging technologies that will both act on climate and provide the military enhanced energy security.”
“We are currently experiencing a revolution in climate technology. By beginning to deploy groundbreaking, pro-growth, carbon capture technology within the military, we are helping our environment, while ensuring the mission of our women and men in uniform can be carried out in a safe and secure way. I am pleased to see our Services begin the adoption of this technology.” said Congressman David Schweikert.
Carbon capture technologies remove carbon pollution from the air, and in some cases convert them into other materials such as biofuels, chemicals, or plastic. The removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere reduces the presence of greenhouse gasses which drive climate change even as conversion into useful products creates new jobs.
“The Department of Defense, recognizing the pressing national security threat posed by climate change, has been at the forefront of our government’s response to the changing climate for some time,” said Congressman Anthony Brown. “By adopting and deploying carbon capture technology across the Defense Department and Armed Forces, we will enhance our military readiness, improve our fuel security, and help spur innovation in the private sector.”
Defense Department facilities rely on energy sources which must be transported and protected at significant risk and expense. Carbon capture technologies would give these facilities, including vessels and bases overseas, onsite sources of fuel while also boosting economic growth and reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the ocean. The U.S. Navy has developed one such technology to remove carbon dioxide from seawater and convert it to fuel.
Text of the SEA FUEL Act is available here, and a companion bill was recently introduced in the Senate.