American students study, memorize, write and plan their education knowing what to avoid.
And plagiarism is on the list of what to avoid.
A new study reveals that students in the United States are looking to artificial intelligence (AI) tools for help with studies according to Google search data.
Nootropics expert Nootroedge created a ranking of states in which college students are most struggling with their educational endeavors. Students are struggling the most in Virginia.
“AI essay writer” was one of the most searched phrases, which suggests that students are increasingly reliant on AI for academic assistance. “AI essay writer” had a monthly average of 35,004 searches in the last year, and was the 7th most searched term within the study. Searches for “chatgpt essay” had an average of 3,267 monthly searches in the past year.
Many colleges are now implementing AI checkers to detect the use of AI in students’ work.
The findings show Virginia students seek more assistance than any other state. More than 1,100 help-related Google searches per 100,000 people in the past year were from Virginians, 50 percent higher than Alaska, the state where students require the least support.
“For those who are struggling with their college work — whether it’s something like getting used to essay citations or something deeper like studying generally – seeking support online is a great way to receive non-judgmental and free advice at any time they may need it,” Thomas Riley, Nootropics Expert at Nootroedge, said.
Riley cautions students to recognize the difference between their academic integrity and seeking assistance online.
Students most need help with providing citations of sources in essays, especially in the APA format, and how to check for plagiarism before submitting written work.
On the other hand, students in the U.S. are skilled at writing because they need the least help with their dissertation or defining academic writing.
Virginia’s students look for the most help with how to “effectively” study.
Maryland is No. 2 with 1,071 study-related searches per 100,000 individuals. Spell checking with Grammarly was among the searches, as well as how to write a solid conclusion to an essay.
Arizona is No. 3, followed by Florida and Utah.