Angela Lynn, candidate for House of Delegates from the 25th District, addressed the crowd at the Rally for Health in Charlottesville on Tuesday.
Of the government’s plan to kick 22 million people off health insurance to finance tax cuts for the rich, Lynn said, “It’s not fiscally or morally responsible.”
If passed, tens of thousands of people in Central Virginia will lose their healthcare. And according to America’s Essential Hospitals, a trade group that includes several local hospitals, rural hospitals will close if the bill passes. Being forced to drive further to get to a hospital will hurt everyone in the 25th District, regardless of their insurance.
“Let’s take the profit out of health care and put people first,” she added. Even though insurance companies have sought to blame the ACA’s private insurance markets for rising premiums, in fact health insurers’ profits have risen more than 80 percent since 2008.
Lynn said, “The government in Richmond has caused a Virginia health care crisis. Your premiums and deductibles will skyrocket, and your insurance will cover less and less, while this government overreach of theirs continues to prioritize tax cuts for the rich and profits for insurance companies over coverage and affordable health care. And people will die.”
Lynn is running for Virginia’s House of Delegates’ 25th District seat against Steve Landes, the 11-term incumbent. She is a former higher education administrator at the University of William and Mary and National Trainer with DHS/FEMA, and has taught in Virginia public schools.