Home Albemarle County conducting Small Area Plan for Rio Road, Route 29
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Albemarle County conducting Small Area Plan for Rio Road, Route 29


albemarle countyAlbemarle County is conducting a small area plan in the Rio/29 area. A small area plan is a tool used to define a detailed plan for urban development and redevelopment in a focused area of strategic importance for the County. Small area plans also create road maps for implementation.

The small area plan will incorporate the new Rio Road grade-separated intersection with future land use, transportation and capital projects in the area. The plan will include:

  • Detailed future land use map
  • Neighborhood street network
  • Preliminary design of recommended transportation improvements
  • Measures to mitigate impacts of above
  • Opportunities for business development

The vision for the Rio/29 small area plan will be guided by stakeholders that live, work, and play in and around the area and by the strategic goals adopted by the Board of Supervisors through the comprehensive plan, Places29 master plan, and strategic plan.

To learn more and to get involved in the development of the Rio/29 small area plan, visit online at www.albemarle.org/Rio29SAP or in person at the lobby at Northside Library. Sign up for the Places29 A-mail distribution list at www.albemarle.org/amail to receive notifications about the small area plan progress, meetings, and other events.


About planning in the 29 North corridor

The comprehensive plan is a countywide policy document that provides guidance on growth, development, transportation, and natural resource protection. For the County’s development areas, more detailed master plans were created to guide land use and development tailored to those areas. For 29 north, this occurred in the Places29 master plan, adopted in 2011.

The Places29 master plan identified the Rio Road/Route 29 intersection as a priority area for public investment and redevelopment. The master plan called for a small area plan process to coordinate land use with transportation improvements, most of which are under construction through the 29 Solutions projects.

The Rio/29 small area plan will occur in two phases. Phase 1 is currently underway and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2017. It will develop community consensus for a future vision for the study area and identify some early actions for implementation. Phase 2 will run through 2017 and result in a detailed small area plan.



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