Home $90M in grants awarded to boost industrial site development throughout Virginia
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$90M in grants awarded to boost industrial site development throughout Virginia

Crystal Graham
virginia economy
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A total of $90 million in Virginia Business Ready Sites Program development grants were awarded to 21 sites – including Staunton and Waynesboro – across the Commonwealth.

Administered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, this program helps characterize and develop sites to enhance the state’s infrastructure with more competitive project-ready sites, to attract new business and accelerate expansion in Virginia.

The program’s goal is to identify, assess, and improve the readiness of industrial sites with at least 100 contiguous, developable acres or 50 acres in the western part of the Commonwealth.

“It is critical for Virginia to create a diverse portfolio of sites that are attractive to different industry sectors and meet varying location and infrastructure needs, and these grants are a major step in the right direction to help the Commonwealth catch up on site development,” said Jason El Koubi, VEDP President and CEO. “Additional funding for the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program will allow VEDP to expand the program and invest in more sites, enhancing the Commonwealth’s infrastructure and accelerating economic development in Virginia.”

The program has two components:

  1. Site characterization to assess and designate a site’s current level of development; and
  2. Site development to further develop a pool of potential sites across the Commonwealth. Localities can apply for grants to assist with the costs associated with the initial assessment and the development required to increase a site’s current designation level.

Fiscal Year 2023 VBRSP award recipients include the following:

  • Chesterfield County, Upper Magnolia Green, $25,000,000
  • Henry County, Commonwealth Crossing Business Park, $22,237,705
  • Louisa County, Shannon Hill Regional Business Park, $11,590,000
  • Frederick County, Valley Innovation Park, $7,225,000
  • City of Staunton, Staunton Crossing, $4,555,000
  • City of Waynesboro, Nature’s Crossing Technology Center, $3,911,145
  • City of Norfolk, Fairwinds Landing, $3,351,865
  • Alleghany County, Alleghany Regional Commerce Center, $3,290,000
  • Albemarle County, North Park, a UVA Discover Park, $3,000,000
  • Pittsylvania County, Southern Virginia Megasite at Berry Hill, $1,500,000
  • City of Chesapeake, Coastal Virginia Commerce Park, $750,000
  • Wise County, Lonesome Pine Business and Technology Park, $750,000
  • Roanoke County, Wood Haven, $504,149
  • James City County, Hazelwood Farms, $485,500
  • Giles County, Wheatland EcoPark, $387,865
  • Amherst County, Dillard Tract, $322,071
  • City of Lynchburg, Ivy Creek Innovation Park Sites A&B, $261,750
  • Essex County, Tappahannock Industrial Park, $261,300
  • Sussex County, Sussex Megasite, $247,900
  • Multiple, Site Characterization Grants and Other, $220,000
  • City of Roanoke, Roanoke Centre for Industry and Technology, Tract 8, $85,000
  • Bedford County, New London Business and Technology Center,  Phase 2, $63,750

The Virginia Business Ready Sites Program was developed by a team of state, regional, and local stakeholders including VEDP, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, railroad representatives, utility representatives, civil engineers, and other government, business, and industry representatives. Grants are considered on a competitive basis and made at the discretion of an investment committee composed of VEDP and Administration leaders.

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Crystal Graham

Crystal Graham

Crystal Abbe Graham is the regional editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1999 graduate of Virginia Tech, she has worked for 25 years as a reporter and editor for several Virginia publications, written a book, and garnered more than a dozen Virginia Press Association awards for writing and graphic design. She was the co-host of "Viewpoints," a weekly TV news show, and co-host of Virginia Tonight, a nightly TV news show on PBS. Her work on "Virginia Tonight" earned her a national Telly award for excellence in television.