Home Farm Credit Knowledge Center to host free Farm Management Institutes in March

Farm Credit Knowledge Center to host free Farm Management Institutes in March


Farm Credit of the VirginiasThe Farm Credit Knowledge Center will host its annual Farm Management Institutes at Misty Mountain Farm in Fisher, W.Va., on March 29, and at Renback Barn in Rochelle on March 30.

The events will run from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The 2022 Farm Management Institutes are free offerings from the Farm Credit Knowledge Center in which participants will hear from Dr. David Kohl, professor emeritus of Virginia Tech, and Scott Sink, owner of Hethwood Market and SES Enterprises, Blacksburg.

Participants will have the opportunity to interact with Dr. Kohl as he discusses the domestic and global economic outlook and business planning. Participants will also engage with Scott Sink as they discuss shared wins and road blocks while navigating the ownership of an agricultural operation.

Registration can be made by visiting farmcreditofvirginias.com/knowledge-center/events or by emailing the Knowledge Center at [email protected].



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