There’s lots of hype about hemp, and the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service aims to find out how much is being grown across the United States.
On Oct. 18 NASS will mail out its first Hemp Acreage and Production Survey to farmers and other hemp industry stakeholders. The survey will collect information on the total amount of hemp planted and harvested, as well as the yield, production and value of hemp in the United States. Data will be collected on hemp flower, hemp grain for human consumption, hemp fiber and seed hemp.
The Domestic Hemp Production Program established under the 2018 Farm Bill allows for the cultivation of hemp under certain conditions. Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant that contains less than .3% of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive component. Hemp can be harvested and refined for a variety of products, including clothing, cosmetics, construction materials, animal feed, biofuels and medicinal products.
Industrial hemp growers may complete the survey online at For more information about the survey visit