Moving to a new place of living has never been an easy thing to do. In most cases moving to a different place is associated with stress as you have a lot on your plate. Not only you have to pack all your household items, but you also have to deliver them safely to a new location. The whole procedure of moving can turn into a nightmare, especially if you have some other important issues to decide on.
But there is a way out. Hire a moving company. Here are some simple rules that will come in handy.
First of all, you can always refer to your friends or colleagues who can recommend you a mover. If they cannot provide you with such information, you can always search the Internet where you can find a great variety of moving companies. When choosing one, pay attention to the company’s location. If you are going to move within your state, it’s better to choose the one, which is located in this area. Why? Because if you, for example, live in West Hollywood, only West Hollywood movers know all peculiarities of the location and can guarantee that all your things will be delivered safely and without any delays.
Don’t choose the first company you have found. Take some time, find at least two more movers and see what they offer. Ask questions, compare prices, visit their sites and only then make up your mind. Pay attention that the companies with good a reputation don’t ask for a deposit before you move.
Once you have chosen the mover, check up on the company’s license and make sure the mover is insured. You can always ask the representative of the company to show you these documents, if not, you can find the information on special sites on the Internet, where there is a list of all licensed movers.
also highly recommended to choose the mover that has a BBB accreditation. If you cannot find the moving company on the BBB list, keep looking for a moving company that is included or at the very least has a high rating.
And finally, remember that a reliable moving company is vetted and certified by AMSA.
As you see, the rules are simple. The only thing that is required from you is time that you should dedicate in order to choose the best company that will handle the whole process of moving from start to finish.