Del. Sam Rasoul (D-Roanoke) has launched Democratic Promise, an initiative to help rebuild trust in the Democratic Party in rural Virginia.
Built as a tool for local Democratic committees, Democratic Promise will work to ensure that government services better serve constituents by reaching out to them directly.
“After the November election, our party has been searching for ways to reconnect with rural voters. Democratic Promise offers a tool for the party to help people at a grassroots level,” said Del. Rasoul.
This initiative works to rebuild trust in the party by providing one-on-one assistance. Democratic Promise volunteers will contact constituents directly to talk about their concerns involving government services. If the contacted individual needs help, he or she will be paired with a staff community worker to provide assistance. Through this process, Democratic Promise will work to resolve the problems quickly and efficiently.
Ninth Congressional District Democratic Committee Chair Deb Baum is excited to use this new tool in Floyd County. “Democratic Promise will help our committee proactively reach people and will give us a more organized way to help our fellow rural Virginians,” she stated.
Prince Edward Democratic Committee Chair Taikein Cooper had this to say, “In the wake of the 2016 Election, I have spent countless hours brainstorming, planning and evaluating methods to improve the Democratic Party. Over the past few election cycles, we, as Democrats, have spent too much time discussing things like the emerging majority, population corridors and the presumed ineffectiveness of yard signs, instead of listening to the concerns and needs of voters. That’s why I am so excited about the Democratic Promise. I am so thankful for Delegate Rasoul’s vision, leadership and willingness to get us back to the basics.”
To learn more about Democratic Promise, contact our staff for assistance, or volunteer to help with constituent services and outreach, visit