Analysis by Chris Graham
[email protected]
Democrat Barack Obama continues to hold a four-point lead over Republican John McCain in the daily tracking polls of Gallup and Rasmussen Reports.
The lead in the Gallup poll has Obama up by a 47 percent-to-43 percent margin. Rasmussen has Obama up 44 percent-to-40 percent, with a 47 percent-to-45 percent lead with leaners included.
The Rasmussen people also have an updated tally on how the Electoral College race is looking. Obama has a solid lead in states that would give him 210 electoral votes, according to Rasmussen, while McCain has the lead in states with 168 votes. With leaners included, Obama has a 293-227 lead.
Virginia and Nevada are listed by Rasmussen as toss-up states even accounting for leaners.
A Zogby International poll released last week gave Obama a 44 percent-to-39 percent lead in Virginia.