Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) issued the following statement after voting for a continuing resolution (CR) funding the government until January 19.
“I voted for today’s CR in order to keep the federal government open. I am not happy with this process or this legislation, but as the Senate has failed for 98 days to take up the appropriations bills passed by the House under regular order, passing the CR was necessary. It will keep the government running until January 19.
“To cobble together enough votes to pass the CR, congressional leadership included a three-week extension of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). I strongly believe that provisions of the FISA law are unconstitutional when applied to American citizens. In exchange for agreeing to the CR, leadership promised a debate on FISA and an opportunity to vote on a constitutionally-sound alternative before January 19. It is past time that we bring this program into alignment with the rights guaranteed to Americans in our Constitution.”