The Prince William Chamber of Commerce, Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Virginians for High Speed Rail, Roanoke Chamber of Commerce and Virginia Asian Chamber of Commerce have joined numerous other business and transportation groups in endorsing “Virginia’s Road to the Future”, the comprehensive, long-term transportation funding plan proposed by Gov. Bob McDonnell.
Official statements from the groups can be found below. The five organizations join the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, Virginia Chamber of Commerce, Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance and the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association who have already backed the plan.
The Prince William Chamber of Commerce
“We appreciate the Governor’s leadership and recognition that our transportation infrastructure is vital to the economic competitiveness of our region. We look forward to the forthcoming legislative discussions and process.”
– Robert H. Clapper, II, President and CEO of the Prince William Chamber of Commerce, which represents nearly 2,100 businesses and more than 66,000 employees
The Virginia Asian Chamber of Commerce
“Governor McDonnell’s Transportation Plan is an integral part of the strong economic development that has been on-going for the past three years. Without good roads as means of transporting goods for its citizens from east to west and from north to south, economic development in the Commonwealth will suffer a major delay in catching up with neighboring states, thus causing a gradual loss of employment for its citizens in many years to come.”
-Tinh duc Phan, Chairman of the Virginia Asian Chamber of Commerce, which represents 44,500 Asian American companies employing more than 77,000 employees
The Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
“Transportation is vital to the economic success of our commonwealth and we cannot have another Session of the General Assembly that does not address this pressing issue. The Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce sees Governor McDonnell’s plan as a viable way forward, and necessary to maintaining Virginia’s place as the “Top State for Business.”
– Michel Zajur, President of the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, representing more than 350 companies across the Commonwealth
Virginians for High Speed Rail
“Governor McDonnell understands the importance of investing in a diverse transportation system that includes rail, roads, and runways which will allow the Commonwealth to continue to prosper economically. His plan to invest in Virginia’s passenger rail system means that our citizens and businesses will continue to have more choices than just sitting in rivers of red tail lights, and his plan will continue to invest in the vision of fast, frequent, and reliable rail service connecting Virginians to destinations up and down the east coast.”
– Danny Plaugher, Executive Director of Virginians for High Speed Rail, which is supported by nine localities, four economic development agencies, 32 businesses, and over four hundred individuals
The Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce
“The Roanoke Regional Chamber has been a consistent advocate for long-term, sustainable transportation funding mechanisms implemented on a statewide basis. A modern, multi-modal transportation network will improve the lives of all Virginians by reducing congestion and facilitating the movement of goods, services, and people throughout the Commonwealth. We share the Governor’s sense of urgency on this critical issue and encourage members of the General Assembly from both parties to give the Governor’s proposal their utmost consideration as they work towards a long-term solution.”
– Dan Motley, Chairman of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, representing more than 1,200 member companies