Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe received the endorsement from the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) today during a roundtable with Max Richtman, the president of NCPSSM and seniors in McLean.
During the event, Richtman handed McAuliffe a set of boxing gloves, and noted that the group is backing McAuliffe because he will “fight for seniors in Virginia.” This is the first time NCPSSM has gotten involved in elections for state officeholders.
“I am pleased to have the support of NCPSSM, and I am committed to advocating for seniors in Virginia as governor,” stated McAuliffe. “We need to support policies that will ensure our seniors enjoy healthy, happy retirements, such as the Medicaid expansion, investing in home health care, and protecting the Virginia Retirement System.”
The event also coincided with the launch of McAuliffe’s plan “Strengthening our Commonwealth by Supporting Virginia’s Seniors,” which includes proposals that will benefit Virginia’s seniors.
McAuliffe’s full policy proposal can be found here.
Strengthening our Commonwealth by Supporting Virginia’s Seniors
Terry McAuliffe is committed to supporting Virginia’s seniors and retirees. These Virginians have spent their lives improving their communities and we need to show them the respect and gratitude they deserve. To help ensure that Virginia seniors have productive, happy, and healthy retirements, as governor Terry will:
1. Support Medicaid Expansion. Terry believes strongly in supporting Virginia’s seniors by accepting federal funds for Medicaid expansion. This program helps pay for nursing home care for thousands of seniors and is critical to Virginia’s retirees. Expanding Medicaid coverage would be a lifesaver for hundreds of thousands of Virginians, a cost saver for the state, and a job saver for our healthcare industry. Medicaid expansion is estimated to create at least 33,000 direct new healthcare jobs by 2021 and provide coverage for around 400,000 currently uninsured Virginians.
2. Work with our federal representatives to advocate for Medicare and Social Security benefits. Virginia’s seniors and retirees have paid into Social Security and Medicare through a lifetime of hard work, and their benefits must be protected. Terry will stand shoulder to shoulder with Virginia’s seniors and our Congressional delegation to protect these essential programs.
3. Improve Virginia’s long-term care system. As Virginians plan for their retirement and golden years, healthcare costs can overwhelm even frugal savers. Improvements in the long-term care insurance system and preservation of the long-term care tax credit can help make retirement affordable and improve the quality of life for Virginia seniors.
4. Invest in home health care. Virginia can save money and improve our seniors’ quality of life by making it easier and more affordable for Virginians to get home health care from a qualified provider. As governor, Terry will invest in home health care and work to ensure all Virginia seniors enjoy a sound quality of life in their golden years.
5. Support the Virginia Retirement System. The tens of thousands of seniors drawing a retirement from the state’s retirement system should be able to rest easy in the confidence that the system will remain solvent. Terry will work to fully fund our obligations to our retirees, not play political games with people’s retirement.
6. Keep property taxes low by opposing unfunded mandates on localities. Virginia seniors on fixed incomes can’t afford to have their property taxes increased as a result of irresponsible budget choices made in Richmond. As governor, Terry will work to ensure that legislators live within their means and stop passing down unfunded mandates on local governments that force them to raise taxes.