Home Landes releases 2018 pre-session legislative survey results
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Landes releases 2018 pre-session legislative survey results


steve landesDel. R. Steven Landes, R-Weyers Cave, released the results of the annual 25th House Legislative District Survey. The survey was issued in December. Approximately 250 constituents completed the 10 question survey where the issues of fostering jobs and economic development and cutting government spending received strong support from respondents. Landes has conducted a legislative survey each of his 23 years of service in the General Assembly.

“I’m grateful to the constituents of the 25th House District who took the time to complete this 23rd annual legislative survey, which helps to provide me insight into the thoughts and opinions of the people I work hard to represent,” Landes said. “These responses help keep me apprised of people’s opinions back home, as well as aid me to best represent the 25th District in the House of Delegates.”

The 2018 survey, which was provided online and mailed to constituent households, covered topics including what core services provided by state government are most important, what actions the General Assembly should take to address budget constraints and whether individuals support tolling or an increased gas tax to address safety issues and congestion on Interstate 81. The survey results may be viewed online at www.stevelandes.com. Some key results from the survey include:

  • 28.70% of respondents ranked fostering jobs and economic development as the number 1 core service provided by state government, followed by 23.58% that believed providing health care and other services for those in need was most important.
  • 39.15% believe cutting government spending is the best way to address budgetary constraints.
  • 76.68% support legislation that would require all colleges to standardize how they evaluate “dual enrollment” programs.
  • 90.95% support legislation to allow teachers licensed in other states to teach in Virginia on a temporary basis until they can obtain licensure.
  • 65.83% supported repealing the law freezing base electricity rates and preventing state regulators from reviewing the earnings for power companies.
  • People are divided on how to best address improvements for Interstate 81with 34.89%supporting an increase in the gas tax, 33.19% supporting tolling and 31.91% opposing either of those options.
  • Medicaid expansion, redistricting reform and adding a lane to Interstate 81 were top responses to the survey’s open-ended question.

Landes represents the 25th House District, which includes parts of Albemarle, Augusta, and Rockingham Counties. Landes is currently serving his twelfth term in the Virginia House of Delegates. Visit SteveLandes.com for additional information.



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