Home Jennifer McClellan gubernatorial campaign raises $275K in first week

Jennifer McClellan gubernatorial campaign raises $275K in first week

Jennifer McClellan
Jennifer McClellan

The Jennifer McClellan Democratic gubernatorial campaign announced today that it raised $275,000 in its first week out of the gate.

McClellan, a state senator, announced her candidacy for the 2021 party nomination on June 18.

According to a press release from the campaign, 93 percent of the money raised between June 18 and June 25 came from Virginia.

“Virginians have responded strongly to Jennifer McClellan’s vision for an inclusive Virginia that builds a brighter future for all families,” said Courtney McCargo, finance director on the McClellan for Governor campaign. “The McClellan campaign is showing strong momentum out of the gate, with major Virginia endorsements and $275,000 raised in just one week. We’re proud of this initial support and will keep building a strong, grassroots organization across Virginia.”



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