The City of Charlottesville Parks and Recreation Department will be removing nine trees on Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall.
Trees have been selected for removal due to concerns about the health and structural integrity of the individual trees.
In addition, the city will be conducting pruning activities on select trees, removing dead and dying limbs, and other proactive tree maintenance.
As protection of life and property are paramount, the city feels it is in the best interest of the public to eliminate the risk of hazard.
Tree work will start on Jan. 10, and the work is estimated to take 10 days.
Workflow will move down the mall corridor starting on 5th Street SE and concluding at 2nd Street SW.
Operations will start at 7:30 a.m. and conclude at 5 p.m. daily.
Businesses will remain open and accessible throughout tree work operations; however most outdoor seating will be unavailable.
The primary disturbance to the mall will be loud noise and dusty conditions.
The city plans to have the wood professionally milled to suit specific wood products that will be recycled back into the mall.
The public will be invited to participate in woodworking projects after the material has been assessed.