There are many chatbot courses out there now that chatbots are a very popular customer service tool. What is a chatbot and why are they important? Well, we’ll tell you about that in a little bit. The reason this article is being written though is because it’s very important that you find the best chatbot courses 2019 has to offer. Because of the new growth in the customer service market of online presence, chatbots are probably a common tool that you aren’t realizing you’re using.
Be sure to check out this ManyChat Course if you really want to get down to business and grow your marketing.
What is a chatbot, and why are they important?
Well, when it comes to using proper chatbots for your website like ManyChat, you’re building a customer service experience for your customers even before you get a chance to really talk to them. Chatbots are programmed to have humanistic responses, and they have literally evolved in numerous forms, even when it comes to phone systems. The whole marketing experience is evolving with the world wide web, and in order to get better at using chatbots, there are even courses available on how to install them, how to use them, and what they do.
The reason they are important is because when you’re using one like ManyChat, you can actually do live chat training, as well as build customer experiences from scratch. You can even download many chatbots as apps on your mobile devices so you can be able to reach out to customers or be available for them 24 hours a day, seven days a week yourself, or if you have a special dedicated support team (or a team of your own workers and fellow employees), you can even add the chatbot and build users so anyone on your team can literally be there for your customers.
What platforms do chatbots cover?
Many social media outlets like Facebook and even your own website can integrate chatbots, and when you sign up for one like ManyChat, you’re getting a deep diving experience into what true customer service is. There are many other ones out there too, like ChatFuel,, and more that people use, some of which can even be branded for premium fees when you get premium service.
How is the SEO with a chatbot?
When you have a chatbot on your website, your SEO can actually get bumped up a notch too, because not only does it create some quality backlinks to your site, but it can help you increase your visitors to your actual website by being around for them. When you combine a chatbot with a solid digital marketing campaign, you not only get quality SEO, but you get some really fine traffic generated to your website.
What are some of the best courses for chatbots then? Well, that’s easy. Just about every chatbot you decide to use has tutorials on how to use them. One is definitely ManyChat. Others like usually only have tutorials that you have to either research yourself (from personal users on sites like YouTube), or you end up getting a big FAQ page and have to learn everything yourself by reading.