How can you get smarter? Is it even possible to boost up your intelligence? Only 10 years ago, they said it’s impossible. That you can go only so far with what genes you’ve got. But it appears that in fact, it’s not quite so. There are ways build your brain’s potential, just like you build your muscles.
Here are some smart goals for smarting up:
1. Use your brain
Seriously, sitting in front of TV or spending hours playing video games doesn’t provide much exercise for your mind. To get smarter, you must give yourself some food for thought and develop a habit of contemplating various kinds of problems. What can you do to make this work? Try to learn something new; think of how things work, even doing sums in your mind helps.
2. Read and write
Reading significantly increases your vocabulary, enhances your outlook and besides, it’s a great tool for developing your imagination. Writing helps memorizing things and setting your thoughts and ideas in order. This is actually quite a simple way to become more intelligent — read more quality books, write some ideas or observations down. And no, you don’t have to be a great writer to do this (but in fact, the more you read and write, the greater writer you become!). Besides, when it comes to writing, you can always get some help. Writing advice can be found on lots of discussion boards and recourses, including Spider Essay.
3. Learn languages
When you learn a foreign language, you build your memory muscle, so to say. You learn new words, ways to use them, try to think in a different language and learn how to talk to others using it. There is just no better way to make your brain work at full capacity, because of all the activities involved: reading, writing, memorizing, speaking… and many others. In the modern world, there are lots of ways and opportunities to learn just about any language you want. Find language classes or an online resource that suits you best — and go for it!
4. Talk to smart people
Fortunately or not, our environment affects us more than we know. Talk to people who are more knowledgeable on this subject or other, take some advice and do this as often as possible. This doesn’t mean you will have to drop all of your friends you have now. It means that broadening your social circle and getting to know someone new never hurts. Especially so if this someone thinks out of the box.
5. Early to bed, early to rise
Healthy sleeping pattern can really affect your ability to focus and think clearly in the most positive way. Make sure you get as much sleep as you need, and you’ll always have good mornings and great starts for all the activities that potentially can make you wiser.
Conclusion: Now this all doesn’t seem too complicated, does it? But remember that the main thing you must take with you on your journey to self-improvement is the desire to make yourself better. Without it, even the simplest tasks will seem impossible.