Augusta County Fire-Rescue is asking for the public’s help in keeping fire hydrants that are close to homes and businesses clear of snow in the winter and free of weeds and shrubbery in the summer by participating in the Adopt-A-Hydrant program.
To take part in the Adopt-A-Hydrant program, Fire-Rescue asks that citizens:
• Shovel the area around the fire hydrant after each snowfall. Clear the area approximately three feet around the hydrant as well as a path from the street or roadway to the fire hydrant so that the hydrant is visible and accessible.
• During the summer months, make sure that the same three-foot path around the hydrant is free of weeds, shrubbery, flowerbeds, etc and can be seen easily.
“Fire-Rescue is happy to launch a program that has been a part of many stations’ outreach efforts across the country,” ACFR Chief Dave Nichols said. “Our local community is typically very supportive of new service initiatives and this is one, very tangible way for people to directly support ACFR’s work.”
The fact that a fire doubles in size every fifteen seconds underscores the importance of emergency vehicles gaining easy access to fire hydrants as quickly as possible.
Lives and property are saved when water is applied quickly.
Citizens are encouraged to visit to sign up for the program and to specify a hydrant location.