As you might know, I had the opportunity to cover President Bush’s visit to Monticello last week. And as you might know, the visit was marred by a string of interruptions from protestors who disrupted what was supposed to be a ceremony celebrating America’s newest citizens on our nation’s 232nd birthday.
I must say that in my opinion those protestors showed how classless and disrespectful they are. The time and place was not the appropriate time or place for them to show their belligerence toward the president. They have every right to protest the president and his policies as they did at the bottom of the mountain. However, for them to continually disrupt a ceremony welcoming new citizens to this country was uncalled for.
If you were there and heard the newly-minted citizens say how hard they worked for this day, how they dreamed about it and how special it was, you would feel the same way.
What is it that these protestors don’t get? They know they will not change this president’s mind. I think it’s far past time for them to understand that there’s just going to be a disagreement when comes to the War on Terror. I have been in the audience with this president on previous occasions (where protestors have been present) and have never seen such childish behavior. I mean, after all, if this country is so bad, why don’t they move? The six that were removed were not arrested. I would question why they weren’t.
Once the unruly people were removed from the mountaintop, you could sense the patriotism and the optimism from the attendees. New citizens (and old citizens alike) proud of their country, flags waving, a presidential visit and the national anthem. The way I’m sure most Americans would like to spend the Fourth of July. Everyone seems to agree that the story was our new citizens and not the protestors.
To the newest Americans, I say congratulations! To the protestors, I say shame on you.
Mike Hodge is an Augusta Free Press political correspondent.