Add another name to the list of candidates for the Waynesboro city treasurer job.
Terry Kent, 54, has thrown his hat into the ring for the seat held by embattled Treasurer Sandee Dixon.
Dixon is running for a second term in the job in the face of a series of negative local and state audit reports questioning the management of the office.
Stephanie Beverage is on the ballot running against Dixon. Another write-in candidate, Jim Serba, announced his candidacy earlier this month.
Kent served for the last five years as a training manager for the Movie Gallery video-store chain. He has also held management positions with Blockbuster Video, Comfort Suites and Aunt Sarah’s Restaurant and owned and operated two small businesses in Waynesboro, one of which was a tax-preparation service.
“The office needs to be reset to state and local standards so that Waynesboro never loses one penny of revenue that is so needed in these economic times,” Kent said in a statement today.
“Waynesboro should not be cutting money out of the budget to make up for lost revenue due to poor stewardship of the money entrusted to one of its city offices,” Kent said.