Home CS:GO fantasy esports betting

CS:GO fantasy esports betting

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All esports fans who also enjoy conventional sports would adore fantasy esports betting. Common to other disciplines, bettors have a chance to pick players from the pool of competing teams to construct their fantasy roster. Having picked those skilled performers, you’ll now be able to track their in-game performance alongside claiming fantasy points.

But is it that attractive for CS:GO betting? In reality, the best CS:GO betting sites now feature fantasy betting options, eventually popularizing them among bettors. Let’s find out what fantasy betting is and how you can take part in it, as follows.

What is CS:GO fantasy betting?

Assuming you’re a newcomer to fantasy esports betting, getting to its essence is a must. Fantasy is a way for players to assemble their teams from the pool of available players. Usually, these competitors face each other during particular tournaments. That means only the teams’ players participating in specific events would be available. Aren’t you wondering how betting is related to all that?

CS:GO fantasy league gives bettors a chance to assemble teams and compete against others in dedicated prize pools. In other words, you’ll face other bookies’ enthusiasts with their hand-picked players from CS:GO teams. You might also be wondering which squad wins under such nuanced game rules. Believe it, it’s relatively simple since each player’s performance (kills, ADR, deaths, assists, entry-frags) is calculated to determine which squad performs better.

What’s more interesting about numerous leagues is that they occur during grand CS:GO tournaments. It enables bettors to hand-pick all the great players globally, making it quite fascinating activity. You shouldn’t also forget that various rules apply to selecting your players, so you should read the terms and conditions before picking your first in-game performer.

In a variety of esports betting sites, fantasy leagues vary depending on numerous factors. Once you’re looking for specific bookies, DraftKings and DrakeLounge seem to be the leading platforms dedicated to fantasy leagues. Back in the days, ESL Fantasy League was a superior one. It featured plenty of disciplines and hosted dozens of championships. Now, it seems that ESL has no clear plans of returning this format.

But what if we tell you that all leagues have varied rules regarding the rosters and players’ picks? Let us explain by reviewing the three most common fantasy rules you’ll see in the leading bookies:

  • Paid pools

Usually, paid pools mean that you have more rewards and betting options, but all of those perks come with a cost. They are more expensive than other formats because the price for players is high, but the outcomes for the most skilled bettors are significant. If you’re a math genius and work with statistics is your best friend, giving paid pools a try is excellent.

  • Free-to-play pools

Another great approach is the format of free-to-play pools. There, all bettors can choose competitors from all pro teams without any restrictions. It means you can compile any squad you want from all tourney’s participants. You know, adding s1mple and ZywOo to your team at the same time has never been easier.

  • Salary cap pools

Some platforms introduced salary cap pools to design the player drafts adequately. This format entails that each player has a fixed salary cap, meaning that you cannot draft a superstar’s team. Due to the format’s uniqueness, this format has been claimed to be one of the most exciting to track if you’re experienced with CS:GO odds.

CS:GO betting on fantasy: Pros and cons

Like dozens of other formats, fantasy betting comes with its advantages and flaws. Still hesitant whether this format fits your preferences? Check out the following pros and cons of this betting format.


  • Budget-friendly
  • Various rules for all preferences
  • Salary cap drafts have high prize pools
  • Live streams are more exciting to watch than ever


  • Not so intuitive for newbie bettors
  • Not available on all tourneys

If you’re up for something new and unique regarding CS:GO betting, fantasy leagues are a great way to boost your experience. But before diving deep, make sure you understand all the rules and how the point allocation and player drafting works.

How to play CS:GO fantasy league

Instead of a conclusion, let us briefly guide you on how to play in any league you’ve chosen. At first, be sure to read all the rules and regulations, followed by drafting your super-team. Throughout a season or a particular league, track your player’s performances and compare them to other bettors. If your hand-picked squad wins or gets a prize place, be sure to collect your winnings and glory. With such ease of starting any fantasy league, CS:GO betting certainly has a bright future in this direction.

Story by Tyler Davis



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