Home WTJU releases drama podcast ‘The Perfectly Circular Rock’
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WTJU releases drama podcast ‘The Perfectly Circular Rock’

The Perfectly Circular Rock
Photo Credit: Emma Scales.

A huge, perfectly circular rock suddenly appears in a small city. What’s it doing there? What should we do with it? Can we make a buck on it? Why are people freaking out? Why aren’t more people freaking out?

Follow along through 10 episodes of The Perfectly Circular Rock, a new fiction podcast full of mystery, comedy, sci-fi, and audio drama. The podcast is produced by WTJU 91.1 FM and the Department of Drama at the University of Virginia.

All 10 episodes publish today at RockDrama.org, as well as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The Perfectly Circular Rock is a zany, witty series that transforms the mundane into a riveting listen. It’s a perfect choice for binge listening during long drives and holiday breaks coming up,” said Lewis Reining, producer at WTJU and sound designer for the podcast.

This podcast represents a unique collaboration between UVA’s Drama Department and WTJU. Production was made possible with a UVA Faculty Research Grant for the Arts, a fund that supports creative arts collaborations at the University.

“Very few universities have produced any audio dramas, and none have done so at this scale or with this kind of collaboration,” said Nathan Moore, General Manager at WTJU.

“A decade into America’s audio storytelling renaissance, audio drama podcasts are drawing in a new generation. I hope this production entertains and touches listeners, and I also hope that it inspires other audio drama projects in Charlottesville and beyond,” Moore added.

About WTJU 91.1 FM

Founded at the University of Virginia in 1957, WTJU 91.1 FM offers non-commercial radio broadcasting, digital media, live music concerts, and educational programs. WTJU is also home to WXTJ 100.1 FM, freeform student radio; Teej.fm, a local podcast network; and CharlottesvilleClassical.org.



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