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Will Hammer: End the Drug War


HAMMER1liteThe ALS ice bucket challenge has captivated the US, and much of the world as well. The viral movement has currently raised awareness and over $21 million for ALS research. While that is great, there is one huge thing that the government can do right now to help ALS sufferers deal with the discomfort and pain of ALS, as well as possibly prolong their lives. End the Drug War.

Ending the Drug War and legalizing marijuana would save us at least $15 billion per year at the Federal level and at least another $25 billion at the state and local level. Not only would it save us a lot of money, but prisons wouldn’t be overloaded with non-violent offenders, currently about ⅓ the prison population. People would not be locked up in prisons for years, even life, with mandatory minimums for consuming something by choice peacefully.

Another hot topic in current affairs are the riots in Ferguson, Missouri. This has highlighted the militarization of our local police, a side effect of the Drug War and War on Terror. On top of curbing or stopping the militarization of our police, it would help secure our border. The unaccompanied minors from Central America are refugees of the Federal government’s Drug War. Plus you would put human smugglers, or coyotes, out of business. You also wouldn’t have the over 70,000 dead in Mexico and near the border since 2007.

Elect candidates who will actually work to change our broken system. The two party system is an illusion of choice, they actually have a vested interested in keeping each other in power. You need to give third party candidates a voice and a place at the table to enact real change. If elected, I will work day and night to end the Drug War. Too much money is wasted on a war that cannot be won, too many peaceful people are locked up in cages, disease and disorder sufferers that could benefit from medical marijuana are deprived, and too many innocent lives are lost.


Will Hammer is the Libertarian candidate for the House of Representatives in Virginia’s 6th Congressional district. Hammer was born and raised in Staunton, where his family has long resided. He studied economics at Hampden-Sydney College, where he also founded the college’s first libertarian organization.



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