Fifth District Republican congressional nominee Tom Garrett issued the following statement on the shootings of five Dallas police officers Thursday.
“Last night’s shooting in Dallas displayed for all to see, the essence of evil. As a former prosecutor, I have witnessed the sacrifices made by our law enforcement community firsthand, which makes this shooting especially impactful on my heart. Law enforcement professionals are underpaid, underappreciated public servants who put on the uniform everyday to protect local communities without concern to their own well-being. In this situation, they were present to maintain order while allowing citizens to peacefully protest and exercise their Constitutional rights to free speech.
“The taking of any life outside a situation presenting imminent foreseeable harm is unacceptable. Where police violate this tenant, they should be held accountable, but nothing justifies last night’s unprovoked violence in Dallas. I hope we are able to restore faith in a profession that I know to be filled with good men and women who want nothing more than to give back to their communities.”
Prior to his tenure in the Virginia Senate, Garrett served as Commonwealth’s Attorney for Louisa County.