It makes sense for the local hospital to tear down its smoking shelter, doesn’t it? You can watch it happen Monday morning, June 1, at 8 a.m., at Augusta Medical Center in Fishersville. AMC will be marking World No Tobacco Day by tearing down the smoking shelter at the atrium circle leading into the main entrance of the regional hospital.
“Visually this will be a statement that AMC is serious about their Tobacco Free Campus campaign and initiation date of August 3, 2009,” read a release from AMC that I received this morning.
I can appreciate this as someone who had asthma as a child growing up in a household and family of smokers who has since been able to shed the inhaler and breath easy.
A display will be put up in the atrium area on Monday, June 1, and Wednesday, June 3, detailing how tobacco companies have manipulated people to try and then be hooked on tobacco, explaining what the Tobacco Free Campus policy means for the community and offering information about what resources are available at AMC for tobacco users, as well as their families.
– Story by Chris Graham