Engagement ring is a central section in jewelry galleries. It’s where you will find all the signature pieces you see in adverts. The engagement ring range at the stores is lined up with eye-candy pieces that are competing against each other to grab the attention of the brides-to-be. But even for something like an engagement ring, aesthetics is not everything. People ask different kinds of questions to the salesperson when buying the rings. They also discuss about it amongst themselves which pops up many questions, most of which, sadly go unanswered. So, to fix that, we have for you a list of questions here that are frequently asked about engagement rings. Today, we divulge the answers to the questions that have been floating around for long without being solved.
If you are a person bubbling with a throbbing energy for learning, then here is an interesting quick-read for you.
Why are engagement rings worn on the left ring finger?
For long common people have unitedly quizzed over this one question that has riddled generations of users. Why are engagement rings worn on the left ring finger? There are tons of hearsays about this that attempt to answer the question, but none very conclusive. In truth, the tradition of wearing engagement rings on this particular finger started back in time during the Roman and Egyptian civilizations. People of these civilizations believed that a vein which emerges from the heart ends in the ring finger of the left hand. That vein, the ancient people called the vein of love, and so it is only natural that an engagement ring which symbolizes true love will be ordained that particular finger which was believed to have an anatomical connection with the heart. But this is only one of the many theories that are out there. Although the story differs from one culture to another, the bottom line remains the same in most.
Why do only women wear engagement rings?
There is no conclusive answer to this except that traditions dictate it. Of course, you are free to make a difference and have your partner wear an engagement band and that’d be an interesting change so to speak, but it started off with the women wearing them. No one knows why, but it may have something to do with jewelry being a women’s thing, if “it’s a man’s world” is not the answer.
How much to ideally spend on an engagement ring?
There is no definite answer to that because the amount varies for everybody. Traditionally, people follow the three-month salary rule, but in truth, that’s just a myth. As long as you have a budget and you stick to it, no amount is too small or too big. You just have to make sure you are comfortable spending it in your current financial situation.
How to decide on the style of a ring?
Today, there are tons of ring styles out there, and the ones that work for you could be one or many. It is best to follow a rule of thumb when deciding on the style. This is how the rules go. On long fingers, cuts like round and princess cuts look good and on short fingers, it’s fancy cuts like pear and Marquis. Those with slender fingers can pull off smaller gems better than those with wider fingers, for whom, the multi-gem style works the best. Explore the options at GS Diamonds and similar sites to find the right style for you.
What are the 4Cs of a diamond?
The 4Cs of diamond are Clarity, Color, Cut and Carat, and in case you are wondering which of these 4Cs gain precedence over the others, that’s a wrong question to ask. All these properties are equally important, and while you can prioritize clarity over carat, the ratio changes for certain cuts. So, you want to focus on all four of them when buying your diamond engagement ring.
Does an engagement ring have to have a diamond on it?
There is no hard and fast rule that an engagement ring has to have a diamond on it, but most people prefer it over other gems because such has been the tradition. When engagement rings first came into being, they were simple rings with no embellishments. It was in the post Great Depression era that the use of diamonds in engagement rings became a thing and has been a classic combination since. While diamond remains to be the top choice of most buyers, you are welcome to try the other options available in colored gems. Those are very fashionable too right now.
Does an engagement ring need regular maintenance?
As a matter of fact, it does. Engagement ring care regimes are a bit different from those of other jewelries because they normally include diamonds. So, maintenance for an engagement ring should start with protecting the diamond. Keep it from getting exposed to corrosive chemicals and protect it from accidental knocks and bumps. Take your ring off when doing works involving your hands.
You also want to clean a diamond engagement ring the right way so that it stays sparkling for life. Use mild cleansers containing soap and water. If you wear your ring day in and day out, make sure that you do not wash your hands too many times wearing it. If your engagement ring is made of white metal, get it re-dipped once every few years to keep the glow intact.
Do I want to know the origin of my engagement ring diamond at the time of purchase?
These days, buyers feel responsibility towards their choices. So, as a buyer who likes to make the right choices that have zero impact on the environment, you should inspect the source of the diamond on your engagement ring before buying it. Brands like GS Diamonds that source their gems ethically and provide proofs are the safest place to shop at. Buy ethically sourced and clean diamonds only.