Over the years there have been many big businesses that have felt the pain of their decision to not market their company or their brand. This has resulted in some cases in businesses having to close their doors, and other huge companies have had to perform a U-turn in order to bring themselves back to the fore. If this can happen to big companies then it can happen to anyone, and marketing in every sense of the word is a vitally important aspect of success in business. Online marketing offers us more ways than ever before of telling the world about our companies and here is why it is so vital.
The world is online nowadays
People are using the internet more than ever before and when consumers wish to find a new product, business or service, they are heading to search engines and social media to find out about them. If you are not marketing yourself online then you are going to find it very difficult to drive sales or increase your brand. As my friendly Dutch digital marketing agent often tells me, the key of all marketing is to increase revenue (translated to Dutch: omzet genereren), hence why it is so important.
Your online competitors and companies
With so many companies and businesses investing in online marketing, it is likely that your competition already has a solid digital marketing strategy that is currently eating up the market share that should be yours. If you invest in digital marketing then you can close the gap or level up with your competition. If your competitor is not paying for an online marketing strategy then this presents you with a golden opportunity to eat up their market share, boosting your business in the process.
Cost-effective digital marketing strategies
Online marketing has proven to be incredibly successful for those who have invested in it and the results that a solid campaign will yield will more than pay for the initial investment. Many digital marketing strategies target the audience which you are looking to promote to and that means that you will see a much higher level of interest from just a small investment. This is a highly cost-effective approach to marketing which will give you a very high return on your investment.
Analytics and data
Marketing online provides you with some of the most detailed and helpful analytics which you can use to shape and improve your marketing strategies. This is something which you don’t get when you put up a billboard, or make a radio ad, or even place a newspaper ad. Online marketing will give you the facts and figures about your ad, who has seen it, who engaged with it and even information such as which time of the day saw better levels of success and from which countries and locations the people who engaged with your ads were from. Using these metrics future advertising can be better formulated and attract even higher results than the first time around.