While back-to-school shopping this year, don’t forget your favorite teacher or school.
Parents, grandparents and others with an interest in education will have the opportunity to bring agriculture to a nearby teacher or school through Virginia’s Agriculture in the Classroom Adopt-a-Teacher and Adopt-a-School programs. Donors’ contributions to AITC can ensure that an educator or school will receive agriculture education resources and the opportunity to attend an AITC workshop at no cost.
Last year, 31 public and private schools and 38 teachers were adopted as part of the program.
“We wanted to give everyone with an interest in agriculture and education the opportunity to help a teacher learn more about agriculture,” said Karen Davis, executive director of the Virginia Foundation for AITC. “Each contribution gives us the opportunity to provide teachers with invaluable agriculture resources they can use to help children understand and appreciate agriculture.”
A $35 donation to AITC will get a teacher, administrator or school librarian of the donor’s choosing an education kit that includes a copy of an educational dairy DVD; access to more than 150 agriculture-related lesson plans; information about upcoming AITC workshops; the latest AITC teacher newsletter; and a copy of What’s in the Barn? AITC’s newest curriculum package.
For a $100 donation, a school will receive an education kit and additional resources, such as AITC’s Virginia agriculture map puzzles, the Math Ag-tivities curriculum package and at least two agriculture-themed books for the library.
“We’re already in a number of elementary schools in Virginia, but we’re always looking for a way to get more agriculture lessons and resources into more schools,” Davis said. “This program is a great opportunity to help teachers unaware of AITC to learn more about what we have to offer.”
Virginia AITC has been providing resources to educators for more than 25 years and is part of a nationwide effort to help teachers and students understand and appreciate agriculture, which is Virginia’s and the nation’s largest industry. All AITC services are provided to educators at no cost.
The AITC program is funded by donations received through the Virginia Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom. For more information, visit AgInTheClass.org.