Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 33, the Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act, which would ensure that emergency service volunteers are not included when determining full-time employees to be considered under the employer mandate of the President’s healthcare law:
“Communities throughout Virginia’s Fifth District rely on volunteer firefighters and emergency responders, and we are thankful every day for the sacrifices they make. The President’s healthcare law imposes fines on businesses and entities not in compliance with the law’s employer mandate; therefore, it is imperative that we ensure that our volunteer organizations are protected from these penalties. The consequences of failing to do so would cripple these essential emergency services in communities across the country. I am pleased that this measure passed the House today with strong bipartisan support, and I remain committed to continuing to fight to protect Virginians and Americans from the harmful effects of the President’s healthcare law.”