The New Market Rebels are pleased to announce that Corey Paluga has been named Head Coach for the 2010 season. The head assistant under Lucas Jones during the 2009 season, Paluga is currently the head assistant coach at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J.
“We always attempt to hire from within the Rebel family to ensure continuity.” says New Market Rebels’ president and general manager, Bruce Alger. “Corey brings continuity, character, and a sound baseball background to the Rebel organization.”
“When Bruce called, I was very honored and flattered that he considered me a qualified individual to handle such an important position for the organization and for the town of New Market,” says Paluga. “After a great experience last summer, it wasn’t a tough decision to accept the position.”
Paluga, who played and coached at Lynchburg College, has already started recruiting players and hopes “to have some familiar faces back in 2010.”
“Corey is one of my closest friends in this profession, and he was a large part of our playoff run last summer. I have nothing but confidence in him,” says Lucas Jones.
Calling it a “tough decision,” Jones declined an offer to return for 2010, citing the fact that he intends to pursue a coaching position in Division I baseball, and it would not be fair to the Rebel organization to divide his attention.
“I certainly owe the town of New Market, Bruce Alger, and the entire organization extreme gratitude for the opportunity to coach the 2009 Rebels team. I have built positive, lifelong relationships that extend past the diamond, and I have nothing but positives as I reflect on my experiences in New Market,” says Jones.
“We wanted to bring back Lucas for the 2010 season,” notes Alger, “but we were happy to extend the offer to Corey to be our head coach, and we’re even happier that he accepted.”