Augusta County Library’s Middlebrook Station has received a 2009 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo). In addition, it was designated “Best of Category” in the library division. For 40 years NACo’s achievement awards have recognized the efforts of county governments to support effective and creative programs.
“We are so proud of our Middlebrook library,” said Diantha McCauley, director of the Augusta County Library. “It is not even a year old, and it is one of only 20 libraries in the nation to win this award.”
McCauley gave much of the credit for the existence of the library to the tireless work of Nancy Sorrells, county supervisor representing the Riverheads district. “A major reason for the success of the Middlebrook Station is the overwhelming support and enthusiasm of the Middlebrook community.”
‘‘It is this kind of interest and cooperation from the community that all of our libraries order to survive the increasing demands coupled with a difficult economy,” McCauley said.
Libraries everywhere are busier than ever – but with fewer resources in terms of money and staff. Patrons are relying more and more on free services — books, movies and computers, as well as programs and clubs for all ages. Many job searches and job applications require the use of computers and the internet, and staff assistance is often needed for those not accustomed to working on a computer.
According to Ms. McCauley, “Our circulation generally is up 17 percent, and computer usage is up 19 percent. Even when the libraries are closed, we have people sitting in the parking lots accessing our wireless internet from their laptops.”
The public is invited to celebrate Middlebrook Station’s award and its first birthday at a party on Thursday, Sept. 10, from 5 – 7 pm. Entertainment and refreshments will be provided. The library station is located at 3698 Middlebrook Road, Middlebrook.