Albemarle County has partnered with the Thomas Jefferson Regional Planning District to determine ways to expand and improve transit service in the Pantops, Monticello, and US 29 North areas.
A virtual public meeting will be held on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. to present potential service improvement scenarios. These scenarios were designed based on a comprehensive analysis of the market for transit service in the three study areas and feedback received from riders and non-riders in the previous round of public meetings.
- Participate Online via Teams
- Participate by Phone: Dial 1-240-534-3536 (Conference ID: 345 957 080#)
About the Albemarle County Transit Expansion Study
The Charlottesville-Albemarle County region is the second-fastest-growing region in Virginia, behind only Northern Virginia. Much of the growth is occurring in designated Development Areas of Albemarle County such as the Pantops area and the along Route 29 North corridor. However, these areas, as well as the key tourist destination of Monticello, are not well served by public transportation.
The aim of the Albemarle County Transit Expansion Study is to identify opportunities to improve transit service in the Pantops area, Monticello, and the Route 29 Corridor of Albemarle County. The study also presents an opportunity to consider new technologies and innovative service delivery models for the Charlottesville-Albemarle County region.
The Albemarle County Transit Expansion Study began in May and is expected to conclude in January 2022.
Learn More
- Visit the project website
- Read the Market and Service Analysis(pdf) of the three study areas. This document shows which areas have the highest need for transit service, as well as where transit service can be best supported based on the density of homes and jobs.
Do you have questions about the Albemarle County Transit Expansion study? Send your questions or comments to Jessica Hersh-Ballering, Principal Planner, at [email protected].