Consumers receiving service from Columbia Gas of Virginia continue to benefit from stable domestic natural gas commodity prices and can expect to see a slight reduction in the total customer bill amount effective with customer bills being mailed this week.
The new total residential monthly bill is $35.94 when compared to the current total monthly bill of $36.19 and is based on a seasonal usage level of 2.5 Dekatherms (Dth). A Dth is the measurement used for natural gas usage and is the equivalent of 1000 cubic feet (Mcf).
“Our more than 260,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers across Virginia continue to benefit from the trend of affordable and stable natural gas prices,” said Brent Archer, Columbia’s President. “From keeping a home warm to providing hot water to manufacturing products we consume every day, natural gas is making a difference by improving the quality of life for many in the Commonwealth.”
About Columbia Gas of Virginia
Columbia Gas of Virginia delivers safe, reliable and clean natural gas to over 260,000 customers in portions of Northern Virginia, Hampton Roads, suburban Richmond, Central Virginia, and the Shenandoah Valley, the Lynchburg region and parts of Western Virginia. NiSource (NYSE: NI) is one of the largest fully-regulated utility companies in the United States, serving approximately 3.5 million natural gas customers and 500,000 electric customers through its local Columbia Gas and NIPSCO brands.