The current inpatient COVID-19 census at Augusta Health is 41, with four deaths over the past week, the good news there being, that’s a decrease from inpatient census numbers from September.
More good news: over the 24 hours preceding 9 a.m. on Tuesday, there were 29 new positive COVID-19 cases diagnosed through Augusta Health testing sites.
The most recent number that we’d had reported there was from Oct. 4, on a day that saw 124 new positive COVID-19 cases diagnosed through Augusta Health testing sites.
The recent high in terms of COVID patient census, at 63, was reported back on Sept. 13.
So, good news.
OK, so that said, there were days over the summer with a COVID census of zero, and for a time Augusta Health had been able to close its COVID unit.
Obviously, no longer the case.
The percentage of our COVID-19 patients who are critical care/ICU level patients remains at about 20 percent of hospitalized COVID patients.
The hospital continues to operate two ICUs, and both ICUs remain near capacity.
Help to continue to slow the spread and lower the projections: Please vaccinate, wear masks indoors even if vaccinated, wash hands frequently and stay socially distant from others when possible. COVID vaccinations are the still the most effective and lasting way to prevent COVID infections in our community, and the best defense against serious illness and death.
Vaccination Eligibility
Augusta Health is vaccinating everyone age 12 and older who lives, works or goes to school in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized for individuals age 18 and over. Pfizer vaccine is authorized for individuals age 12 and older; a parent or guardian must be present to consent to vaccination of those under the age of 18.
There are now two groups of previously vaccinated people who can receive third-dose COVID-19 booster shots.
The first group, approved several weeks ago is:
- Individuals who are moderately or severely immunocompromised (no proof of a medical condition is required at this time); and who
- Have already received two doses of either the Pfizer vaccine or the Moderna vaccine; and who
- Received their second dose of vaccine more than 28 days ago.
The second, recently approved group is:
- Those age 65 and over, or
- Those ages 18-64 with an underlying medical condition, or
- Those who live in congregate settings such as long-term care facilities or shelters, or
- Those who work in high-risk occupations, who
- Have already received two doses of Pfizer vaccine only, and who
- Received their second dose more than six months ago.
Appointments are required for all booster shots and are available on Those who meet criteria for the second group but received Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccine are not eligible for boosters at this time. We anticipate the FDA and CDC will evaluate additional rounds of vaccination for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson again, and will be prepared for that approval when it is given.
The criteria for the two types of vaccine boosters can be confusing; if you have questions about eligibility, please call Augusta Health’s Vaccination Call Center at (540) 332-5122.
Please bring COVID Vaccination Record Card to the booster appointment.
Vaccinations in Primary Care Offices
Vaccinations for COVID-19 continue in all Augusta Medical Group primary care offices. Patients who prefer to receive a vaccination from their personal physician should contact their doctor’s office to be scheduled into the next available vaccination appointment block.
Community-Based Clinics
This week, Augusta Health is sending vaccination teams to local long-term care facilities, schools and homeless shelters to assist with the vaccination of residents and staff at those sites.
Community organizations that would like to partner with Augusta Health for a Vaccination Clinic can contact [email protected] for more information on the requirements.
Large on-campus Vaccination Clinics
Appointments are preferred for clinics. Walk-ins are welcome.
Go to to view the links and schedule an appointment. Information about new clinics, the links and the criteria for each link, are posted as available. On-campus clinics for the remainder of this week are:
Tuesday: After school/after work clinic hours for those are unable to come during the day. The clinic will run from 3:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. Walk-ins welcome until 6 p.m. This is a dual Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson clinic. Anyone age 12 and older may receive Pfizer vaccine; Johnson & Johnson is a one-dose vaccine available to those age 18 and older and administered if available. The link is open on
Wednesday: Third-Dose Booster Clinic. The clinic will run from 1-6 p.m. Please verify criteria for one of the two approved populations for boosters. Pfizer booster available for both populations; Moderna booster only approved for immunocompromised population. Please bring Vaccination Record Card or record of previous vaccination. The link is open on
Thursday: After school/after work clinic hours for those are unable to come during the day. The clinic will run from 3:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. Walk-ins welcome until 6 p.m. This is a dual Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson clinic. Anyone age 12 and older may receive Pfizer vaccine; Johnson & Johnson is a one-dose vaccine available to those age 18 and older and administered if available. The link is open on
Friday: Third-Dose Booster Clinic. The clinic will run from 1-6 p.m. Please verify criteria for one of the two approved populations for boosters. Pfizer booster available for both populations; Moderna booster only approved for immunocompromised population. Please bring Vaccination Record Card or record of previous vaccination. The link is open on
Vaccination Call Center
Not everyone has access to the internet. Others just have questions. For assistance, call Augusta Health’s Vaccination Call Center at (540) 332-5122. The Call Center is staffed Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm to answer questions and help to schedule vaccination appointments.
Homebound patients are being vaccinated through a pilot program with Central Shenandoah EMS. Contact the Vaccination Call Center for more information.