Item by Chris Graham
[email protected]
A Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services grant will enable Valley Associates for Independent Living to assist area residents with disabilities with the construction of ramps and bathroom modifications and other needed repairs so that they can remain independent in their homes and communities.
The $15,000 grant was part of a package of $180,000 in grants announced by the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services this week.
The grants are being allocated locally across the Commonwealth though local Disability Services Boards with matching funds from local government, fundraising or for-profit and nonprofit organizations.
“The funds received from the Blue Ridge Disability Services Board will make a significant impact on the lives of individuals with physical and sensory disabilities in our community as these modifications are often the difference between remaining independent in ones own home and moving to a facility,” said Gayl Brunk, outreach director of Valley Associates for Independent Living.
VAIL will be working in partnership with the Rebuilding Together projects of both Harrisonburg-Rockingham County as well as Greater Augusta to utilize skilled volunteers.