Jerry John, a retired minister from Harrisonburg, hosted a book signing at Bookworks in Downtown Staunton on Aug. 11 to promote his newest book: “Great Living – Every Day a Victory.”
John has had 11 books published, including two children’s books. He said he works faster than he can be published and has already written another inspirational piece entitled “Toads and Timberwolves.”
John teaches an adult Sunday school at his church and keeps involved.
“Religion plays a large role in my writing,” he said.
Of note is that John has received positive feedback from people of different faiths who have read his work.
“A little devotion for every day” is how John sums up his newest book. His message to his audience is simply to provide them with a “sense of direction.”
As a minister, John has been delivering devotionals to people all his life; through his literature he can do just as much good to a larger audience.
Despite the small turnout he received at the Staunton book signing, we can be sure that John will continue his writing career for years to come.
“I am a firm believer that life should be a happy experience,” he said.
Story by Jacob Andrew/ intern