Home Crypto glass ceiling smashed by HUH Token launch, Shiba Inu and Bitcoin
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Crypto glass ceiling smashed by HUH Token launch, Shiba Inu and Bitcoin

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Glass ceilings are there for a reason, and as the adage goes, they’re there to be broken.

And… that’s exactly what HUH Token did on their December 6 launch, they broke that glass ceiling and shattered the crypto world for the better and it couldn’t have come at a better time for the cryptocurrency market.

In fact, HUH Token might have just single-handedly rectified the problems sprouted from the recent crypto market crash alongside dog hero-Shiba Inu and it might have seen the glass fall to Bitcoin that experienced one if its largest losses to date.

Though, it seems that at either end of smashing the glass ceiling, HUH Token, Shiba Inu and Bitcoin could be set for a marvelous 2022 and here’s why.

The shards of success

With the likes of HUH Token and Shiba Inu landing on the moon it’s clear that the altcoins could be paving a path to success for cryptocurrency, the likes that might not have been seen before.

This could be due to the natural crypto whale migration at the end of each month or something greater that came with the release of HUH Token’s Utimeme that saw the likes of Shiba Inu profit as well.

HUH Token, on its launch, could have created a harmonious ecosystem where all benefit, especially HUH Token holders and those who belong to MetHUH.

This forward-thinking token, HUH, might just have set the altcoin world alight and that might just benefit other cryptocurrency as well.

It seems that Bitcoin might just be saved by the altcoins gaining popularity and success.

HUH Nation’s MetHUH

The MetHUH is HUH Tokens overarching destination as outlined in their White Paper, which was released days before the December 6th launch. MetHUH could be the future of cryptocurrency for HUH Token holders because it breaks further glass ceilings.

MetHUH seeks to use the influence of its users as currency, a cryptocurrency that you and all can benefit from and be rewarded in and with the use of AI technology this will be achieved by MetHUH’s Sentiment tokens and Tone traits.

Which through the use of systems like Google Perspective and IBM Watson will asses’ tones like happy, joyous, learning, teaching, anger and compliments to reward MetHUH users.

This could add to HUH Tokens ceiling smashing infamy and with it potentially create endless rewards for HUH Token holders, and the likes of this isn’t seen with Shiba Inu and Bitcoin whose holders don’t have one decentralized space to exist together.

The mirror aspect of glass

HUH Tokens MetHUH and the future potential of being a HUH Token holder could see you and current HUH Token holders’ profit for generations to come and that’s not something to be grumbled at, at least in my humble opinion.

If longevity and ceiling smashing is what you’re looking for then be sure to check HUH Token out, as well as Shiba Inu (the marketing wizard) and Bitcoin (Crypto’s Founding Father).

Story by Jackson Hilly



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