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COVID-19 Response Fund offers affordable child care to parents


local response fundThe Waynesboro Family YMCA is partnering with the Community Foundation and their COVID-19 Local Response Fund to provide quality and affordable care for children of essential personnel in our community beginning Monday, March 30, from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Y.

“At the Y, we are focused on social responsibility, health living and youth development,” said Jeff Fife, executive director of the Waynesboro Family YMCA. “With the mandate to close schools, many people still need to work and find appropriate care.

“I’m proud of our staff and their ability to mobilize quickly to serve children in our community.”

Children currently enrolled in Y programs will have first priority, and space is limited to 72 participants due to current government mandates.

The Y will be spreading children out throughout the facility with no group larger than 9 children.

“We are closely following the guidelines from the Virginia Department of Health and the Department of Social Services,” said Rebecca Patton, childcare director at the Y. “Our kids will have frequent hand washing and practice social distancing.”

Patton said that volunteers and staff will also be regularly disinfecting areas where children are present.

The Y will accept children preschool through fifth grade on a first-come, first-serve basis, and registration must occur 24 hours in advance or by Friday for the following Monday.

Daily rates for Y childcare services will be:

  • School Age Y Member: $16.80 per day·
  • School Age Public: $20 per day
  • Preschool Y Member: $20 per day
  • Preschool Public: $23 per day

Tuition will be drafted on Friday each week.

Scholarships are available for those that qualify, and the Y has a simple form for parents who are interested in participating but not prepared for the unexpected costs of children at home due to the government mandate from coronavirus.

The COVID-19 Local Respond Fund administered by the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge is providing critical resources to charitable organizations supporting the residents of Staunton, Waynesboro, and the counties of Augusta, Highland, and Nelson impacted by COVID-19.

Visit cfcbr.org/covid-19/ for more information.

“The community can pitch in to help with this effort by donating online to the Y and participating in our online auction,” Fife said.

Since this situation is ongoing, parents will be updated on a daily basis for any programming activities or changes of any kind.

If you are an essential employee and wish to register your children for childcare at the Waynesboro YMCA, contact Patton Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at [email protected] or (540) 241-4797.



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