Bridgewater College senior Megan LaPrade received the Merlin and Dorothy Faw Garber Award for Christian Service, presented at the annual College Awards Ceremony on May 7.
The award is named in memory of the late Dr. Merlin Garber and his wife, Dorothy, who were Bridgewater College alumni and deeply involved in the life of the Church of the Brethren as pastors. The award honors outstanding Christian service.
LaPrade, a senior mathematics major and a candidate in the Teacher Education Program, is the daughter of Joe and Darlene LaPrade of Bridgewater, Va. She is a member of the Philomathes Society, Bridgewater’s scholastic honor society, and serves as treasurer of the campus chapter of Alpha Chi, a national scholastic honor society.
As a member of the college’s Spiritual Life Board, LaPrade has assisted with the planning of service projects, including the annual CROP meal and CROP walk, as well as food drives. During the 2016-17 academic year, she served as coordinator of the Spiritual Life Board, where she led weekly meetings among other duties.
LaPrade has served as treasurer and coordinator of the Interdistrict Youth Cabinet, where she coordinated the Interdistrict Roundtable at Bridgewater College for youth in the six southeast districts of the Church of the Brethren.
LaPrade has been an active member in the Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, her home church. She has taught Sunday School and Vacation Bible School and participated with special music.
She will graduate on May 20 and will teach mathematics at Wilbur Pence Middle School in the fall.
Bridgewater College is a private, four-year liberal arts college located in the Central Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Founded in 1880, it was the state’s first private, coeducational college. Today, Bridgewater College is home to nearly 1,900 undergraduate students.