Blue Ridge Community College calendar items for September. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated.
Fine Arts Center Exhibit: Allison Funk
Tuesday, Sep 10, 3 pm, Theater V135 (Artist lecture); 4 pm (reception in Gallery V121)
“Reflective Shadows: Woodcut & Linocut Prints” exhibit runs Sep 9-Oct 14. Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9 am-4:30 pm.
Contact: Jennifer Whitmore; [email protected]; 453-2380
FAC Performance: The Grapes of Wrath
Friday, Sep 13, pre-show music at 7 pm, play at 7:30 pm; FAC V135
The American Shakespeare Center brings Steinbeck’s classic novel to life. The Great Depression forces the Joad family to flee their home for the promise of a new life in California. Adults-$15; students free. Reserve tickets online:
Contact: Sandi Belcher; [email protected]; 453-2216
Brown Bag Travel Lecture: California
Friday, Sep 20; 11:30 am-12:30 pm; G182
Dr. William Munsey presents “California: The Scenic Route.” Sponsored by Cultural Affairs. Free and open to the public.
Contact: Pam Monger; [email protected]; 453-2300
FAC Performance: The Hermitage
Friday and Saturday, Sep 27 & 28, 7 pm; Sunday, Sep 29, 3 pm; FAC V135
An original musical, written by two graduate Theatre Workshop for Youth students. Set in a secret town where potential new townspeople are screened before entering, an American businessman cons his way in, sparking violence. Adults-$15; students free. Reserve tickets online:
Contact: Sandi Belcher; [email protected]; 453-2216