Supervisors Jane Dittmar (Scottsville District) and Liz Palmer (Samuel Miller District) will be hosting a community meeting on broadband(high speed internet) in Albemarle County on Tuesday, May 19, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the media center at Monticello High School.
Albemarle County is applying for grant funding to develop a comprehensive telecommunications plan that will provide guidance on developing the elements of a successful community broadband network that can be deployed in both the rural and urban areas. The event will begin with a presentation by Albemarle County’s IT Director, Michael Culp, and the Thomas Jefferson Planning Commission’s Grant Administrator, Pat Groot, who have been working in partnership to develop strategies and partnerships to expand access to broadband to unserved and underserved areas of the County. A community discussion will follow.
Access to broadband is limited in the rural areas of Albemarle County by the large geographic area, low population density, and difficult terrain. The community benefits of universal broadband access are many – in expanding educational opportunities to students, providing access to health care and workforce development tools to residents, enhancing marketing and communication outlets for businesses, and ensuring connectedness of first responders. Learn more about what Albemarle County is doing to expand broadband access and provide your input on coverage issues and solutions during this important community discussion.
To learn more about Albemarle County’s Broadband efforts, please visit