Albemarle County offers real estate tax relief for qualified residents who are 65 years of age or older and/or permanently and totally disabled. The deadline for first-time applicants is Nov. 1.
For information on this tax relief program, contact the Department of Finance, Division of Revenue Administration at (434)296-5851, option 3, to have an application mailed to you or visit our website to download the application.
County residents may qualify if:
- Applicant is the owner of record as of Jan. 1, 2021
- As of December 31, 2020, applicant is either (a) at least 65 years of age and/or (b) certified as totally and permanently disabled
- Combined total income (from all sources) for 2020 is no more than $69,452
- Combined total net worth of all owners and their spouses must not exceed $200,000 as of Dec. 31, 2020
Learn more at about the Real Estate Tax Relief program.
Land use revalidation late fee waived
This year, the revalidation late fee will be waived, through Nov. 1. The late fee is normally assessed if a revalidation was not completed by Sept. 1 on properties under the use value assessment (land use) program.
The Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance providing relief from the revalidation late fee, for 2021 only, due to widespread delays in mail delivery. The Board of Supervisors is authorized by state law to waive this specific fee, but not other late fees related to taxation.