For the fourteenth year in a row, Albemarle County has been named among the top ten most technologically advanced, cutting edge county governments of its size in the U.S. by the Center for Digital Government (CDG) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) in their annual Digital Counties Survey.
Albemarle County, which competed with hundreds of counties nationwide, ranks second in the nation and first in Virginia in utilizing information technology to deliver high quality service to its customers and citizens based on a population category of 150,000 or less.
“We are proud to be included on this list,” said Tom Foley, County Executive, in response to the county’s ranking. “This award emphasizes our commitment to using information and communication technology to improve organizational efficiencies, foster citizen confidence in government, allow for meaningful discourse, and ultimately strengthen our community.”
The survey, conducted by CDG and the Digital Communities program in partnership with NACo, identifies the best technology practices among U.S. counties, including initiatives that save tax dollars through newfound efficiencies; enhance transparency, cybersecurity and engagement; or innovate through unique and exciting projects. Entrants are evaluated on their ability to demonstrate successful outcomes through the strategic use of technology and recognizes leading examples of counties using technology to improve services and boost efficiencies.
Ten winners were named in each of four population-based categories. The winning counties carried out strategies with measurable benefits that aligned with county priorities. Successful programs also showed progress over the previous year, utilized innovative solutions, and revealed a commitment to collaboration within and outside of their organization. The self-reported survey is judged by a panel of experts.
“Digital counties have evolved to recognize the value of technology, empower their tech leaders and use new ideas to make life better for everyone who lives and does business in the county,” said Todd Sander, executive director, CDG. “The Center for Digital Government congratulates this year’s winners for their work to innovate, improve transparency and proactively address citizen demands and expectations.”
“Modern technology allows counties across the country to innovate, providing citizens with smarter, more cost-effective services,” said NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase. “The Digital Counties Survey recognizes county innovations that truly benefit our communities and, by extension, America.”