Online card acquiring is becoming an increasingly competitive sphere of business, which is, of course, great for the merchants, since they now can have a wide range of service providers to choose from. With so many businesses taking up online sales during the pandemic, more and more service providers realize that online acquiring is not just some kind of service you can offer to your customers on the side, but a fully-fledged and prospective business venue. Even big corporate banks that are ever slow to change, are adapting to the new reality. However, it is companies for which online acquiring is the main business direction that lead the way today. Companies like Connectum Limited, a UK based processing company.
Here are 5 ways Connectum helps merchants and e-commerce businesses today that make more customers choose it over other merchant providers.
1. Free Merchant onboarding
Many e-commerce businesses are single-person-run, everyone knows that. It happens not because people want to do everything, from accounting to logistics, but mainly because when they are just starting out, they can’t really afford hired help. That is why they jump at every chance not to spend extra. And that is why Connectum’s offer of free merchant onboarding is viewed very positively by new merchants. Besides, the procedure is fast and uncomplicated, so businesses that aim to start taking payments as soon as possible, look at it as a nice bonus.
2. Support of 3D-secure 2.0
Now that new legislation about making online payments went live across Europe, it has also caused quite a bit of problems for e-commerce. Many service providers were in time to implement the necessary upgrades, but some weren’t. It usually takes up to several months to complete this technical transit for a payment service provider, which means several months of down time in accepting payments for their customers. But Connectum customers never had to worry about this issue, as it was one of the first PSPs to make the necessary upgrades and provide ways to make safe and secure payments for their clients.
3. Flexible pricing policy
For many banks and huge PSPs, online acquiring is by far not the most prominent chunk of their income, so they usually don’t have dedicated teams to support and develop it. This means many things, including late adoption of innovations, expensive fees, because they need to justify its existence somehow, and sloppy tech support. Which is why it is always recommended to choose a merchant acquirer for whom it’s actually the main venue. When they focus on it solely, they deliver much better and it also enables such PSPs as Connectum, to offer very attractive and flexible prices so that a business owner of any kind will find a tariff suitable just for them.
4. Technical support and a personal manager
This is one of the vital factors why merchants choose Connectum. With a matter as highly sensitive as payments from their clients, they want to always keep their finger on it, especially in case when something goes off. They don’t want to lose customers and have bad publicity simply because there wasn’t a manager online from the payment service provider side when a customer’s payment went awry. Connectum assigns a personal manager to each merchant account and has help available at all times of day in several languages so that its customers can concentrate on their business and sales instead.
5. Partnership programs
Connectum offers several partnership programs as part of their services. From a solution that helps to set up a complete PSP service to a merchant reseller program. It helps businesses to expand on their own services and get all kinds of extras for participating.