Home My yearbook photo: Why I can’t be governor

My yearbook photo: Why I can’t be governor


chris grahamI wrote a column yesterday disqualifying everybody in Richmond from being able to serve as governor.

Which, naturally, led to calls from readers demanding that I, you know, take one for the team.

Governor. Chris. Graham.

Which, no, just, FFS, no.

Don’t do that to me.

Life is good, very good. Business is booming, I have an ESPN3 gig.

So, ahem, time to disqualify me.

OK, look to your right.

That’s me, from my second-grade …


That’s right, a yearbook photo.

It was bound to surface at some point, so I might as well admit it.

That’s me, in Howdy Doody-face.

Pathetic thing is, I wasn’t trying to win any contest.

That’s just how I looked.

Now, scary thing: I looked like that once, and I can look like that again.

You need to keep … that … as far away from the Executive Mansion as you can.

You think Virginia is a laughingstock now.

Column by Chris Graham



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